Mission & Vision
Rebound New Mexico (RNM) is a local, community-based charitable organization that works to break the chain of generational poverty in the state. RNM works with neighborhood organizations, individuals, businesses and public entities that want to empower New Mexicans to achieve prosperity and improve their quality of life without as much dependence on government assistance. We want to help create self-reliance, accountability and an overall better place to live for all New Mexicans.
In New Mexico, many are overly reliant upon governmental and/or private entity funding for sustenance. These people often do not know or have the tools to break free from that dependence and provide for themselves and their families. The training RNM provides empowers people to leave this lifestyle of dependency for one of individual responsibility and increased opportunities.
We started a program entitled Leadership Symposium – Job Skills Training two years ago that has been highly successful. Our vision is to take this program statewide and we are now being asked by multiple groups to expand that program to help other communities.
Rebound New Mexico is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our Team
Carla Sonntag is the President and co-founder of ReboundNM. Carla is also President of ReboundNM’s sister organization, New Mexico Business Coalition. Carla is a full-time volunteer for both the New Mexico Business Coalition and Rebound New Mexico.

Larry Sonntag is a co-founder and one of the Rebound New Mexico Directors. He leads the training and charitable outreach programs for ReboundNM at Joy junction in Albuquerque, NM. Larry retired from the Albuquerque Police Department as a Captain in 2009 and was the Commander for the department’s Scientific Evidence Division.
Adelious Stith is ReboundNM’s lead instructor for the Leadership, Communications and Job Skills Training Program. Adelious has a B.A. in Organizational Management and has a M.A. in International Relations. A man of many talents and skills, Adelious is a business leader, ordained minister, professional speaker, senior olympian and coach.